Frank Haines
Patsy, 2022
Stained glass
49 x 39 inches (124.5 x 99.1 cm)

Alternate view: Frank Haines, Patsy, 2022

Detail: Frank Haines, Patsy, 2022

Alternate view: Frank Haines, Patsy, 2022

Alternate view: Frank Haines, Patsy, 2022

Installation view: Frank Haines, Patsy, 2022

Installation view: Frank Haines, Patsy, 2022

FRANK HAINES (b. 1973 Detroit) an artist, publisher, performer, amateur mycologist, and magician lives in New York City. He performs in the bands Blanko & Noiry, Nastie Band, and as Sandy Smiles. Haines has performed at Santos Party House, New York City; Pyramid Club, New York City; Basso, Berlin; Union Pool, Brooklyn; deep woods of Delhi, NY; and Athens marks the beginning of a European tour. Past projects include exhibitions at AMP in Athens, Greece; Bas/Fisher Invitational, Miami; Land and Sea, San Francisco; and a night of performance titled Blood Transfusion for a Ghost at MOMA PS1 in conjunction with their Kenneth Anger exhibition. Haines’ publishing house, Heinzfeller Nileisist, has published 17 volumes to date, available at Printed Matter and in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York; New York Public Library; and The Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, CA.

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